Tel: 0203 802 4783

About Us

St Mark’s church is part of the Anglican Diocese of Chelmsford

Our vision is to become a transforming presence in Marks Gate by becoming a well-connected, influential centre of spiritual life and community service.  We are doing this by:

  • Creating a sustainable future for the worshipping and serving Church community
  • Creating a new and flexible community resource
  • Becoming a vibrant and unified hub at the heart of our community

We believe in serving Christ through the local community and have strong links with other community groups.  We work closely with churches of other denominations.

In our newly built Church everyone is very welcome to take a break in our Café, come to worship, help with various activities or just enjoy themselves in our groups.

St Marks, Marks Gate is situated in the community of Marks Gate, which is on the North side of the A12 as you drive towards London. Access to the estate is via A1118 (Whalebone Lane North), which comes off the A12 at the Moby Dick Junction.  The estate was built in the 1950s, but the church has been rebuilt in the last couple of years, dedicated by Rt Revd Stephen Cottrell on 21 February 2016.  The Church Centre is on the ground floor of a large 5 storey building which predominantly provides 1,2,& 3 bedroom flats, masionettes and houses.  It is like a Fresh Expression of an Abbey, which would provide the 2 tables of Eucharist and Refectory, classrooms, meeting rooms,a community cafe, fitness suite.  The Church itself reduces down in size following our main worship and provides  a smaller 'Chapel' provision which is adequate for weekday services and for Morning and Evening Prayer.  On Sundays, the screen doors are folded back enabling the full church to be available for worship, which is capable of seating up to c.300 worshipers.  There is a Sunday School which meets during the main service on most weeks - the children are sent out from the church shortly after the liturgy begins and are received back from Sunday School in time to receive a blessing or to receive Communion.  The Children 'report back' to the congregation as to what they have been doing at Sunday School.

The main Liturgy is a Parish Eucharist at 10.30 on Sunday Mornings.

The service lasts for approximately 80minutes The second Sunday of the month is an All-age Eucharist when there is no Sunday School and Sunday School and is a more 'child friendly' service where the uniformed organisations parade their flags etc.

Coffee, tea and refreshments are always available following the main Sunday Liturgy.

On the 1st Sunday of the month, we hold a BCP Evensong at 6.30PM

There is a midweek Eucharist on Wednesdays at 10AM

Morning (8.30am) and Evening (5pm) Prayer are said in Church on weekdays.

Many other organisations use St Marks Church - Breakfast and After School, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Karate. Stay and play, Little explores (both for Parents/ grandparent and toddlers groups meet on a Wednesdays and Thursdays respectively

Rooms are also available for booking for meetings, parties etc.

We also run a community cafe which runs throughout the working day and it is envisaged that shortly this will also be open on Saturday mornings.

St Marks Pre-School is also very much part of our family and runs from their own large bespoke premises within the Church Centre.

Priest in Chaerge

Revd Alexandra Guest

Your Church Warden is

Mr William Hughes

Parish safeguarding Reps are 

Mrs Irene Mukwaya (

Ms Paula Ewhe(

The Church Administrator is:

Mrs Irene Mukwaya (

"We are committed to Safeguarding Children,
Young People, Victims/perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website:
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is
Mrs Irene Mukwaya, who may be contacted at church or by

You can send enquiries  via the contact form.


Messy church

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